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Wild Hog Trapping

Most of you know that the wild boar is one of the most destructive animals to a ranch or a farm land in the world. Due to the fact that they reproduce in a fast manner, getting rid of them is a delicate thing to do, especially in those environments where the populations have gone out of control.

Trophy deer and game ranches routinely lose expensive food to the marauding of the feral pigs (hogs). If you have not trapped these wild boars before, we strongly advise you to exercise great care around them as they usually turn out to be quite nasty, especially when they sense danger. For safety purposes have someone well-versed in trapping boarsinspect your traps.
It's recommended that you first go and see other experienced hunters trapping wild boars and learn from their experience, as it isn't a very easy thing to do.

Regarding the materials involved in the hogs trapping process, you will need the following: a hog bait, preferably corn; a bucket in which you will put the bait, a prop for the door - like a 1x2 piece of wood, which will work just fine, along with a clothesline rope. .

Your first task would be to install the trap where you have found signs of wild boars before.

During the first week you must tie the trap's door open and bait it, both inside and outside, as this gets the hogs used to feeding in and around the trap, and being crowded in it. The trap should be set only when the boars have found and fed inside it. You must set the door by placing the aforementioned piece of wood right between the door jamb and the trap's door.

Now, you must tie the rope to this piece of wood and string through the top of the frame towards the back. After doing so, you will have to tie the rope through the frame and tie it to your bucket which should be filled with bait. Be aware of the fact that the rope should have very little to no shack in it with the bucket located on the trap's floor.

Once the hog will begin feeding, it will eventually knock the bucket over the rope, thus pulling the prop from the door of your trap. You shouldn't be surprised if you end up with more than one animal if your spring is not too stiff as other boars (or other non-target animals) will enter the trap to grab a fast meal.

Many wild boar trapper sour their corn first - if you want to do the same thing, you'll have to fill a bucket of corn with water and let it sit for several days.

If you are having issues with getting the trap's trigger to go off, you can put the bucket on top of a cinder block, inside the hog trap. By doing so, you will give the bucket a higher distance from the ground which will most likely trip the trigger easier.

If you encounter issues with the trigger tripping to easily, it very well may be due to the reason that the boars are too wide to fit inside the trap or your spring doesn't have enough tension for holding the prop sufficiently tight. If you find yourself in such an uncomfortable situation, experienced boar trappers recommend using a longer prop to increase the tension on the trap's spring.

Make sure that you check the trap every single morning as these animals usually feed during the night hours so your trap should be "packed" in the morning if you are lucky enough. Be very careful when you get close to it as things can go ugly taking into consideration that wild boars get extremely angry when trapped.

Hog Trapping Videos